How is it Wednesday afternoon already?? Crazy how a long weekend rushes the following week. Just brings us to the next weekend that much more quickly which is fine by me.
Mason's broken clavicle has definitely changed our style of play around here but we've still managed to find lots of entertainment while we wait for it to heal so we can return to the land of bikes, trampolines and playgrounds :-)
In the meantime, we've taken nature walks to collect treasures...
...and Mickey collected his own treasure that afternoon. Check out his little hitchhiker he brought in for lunch...
We made some yummy pizza dough...
...which allowed me to teach the boys about how bread rises but doesn't actually fly up into the sky :-) Cool lesson!
That no knead crust from budget bytes is quite tasty. The boys liked theirs topped with pepperoni and cheese...
...while MIckey and I got fancy with one topped with roasted garlic, brussels sprouts sliced thin and salami...
...omg SOOOOO good!
We visited Oma and got to play with some old school toys...
....made toys out of things that aren't really toys...
...found a delicious new snack...
...and entertained ourselves with much less healthy but equally delicious ring pops as well...
Of course all that fun leads to some serious sleep...
We've put together lots of puzzles... TONS of books and had lots of fun with our homeschool activities.
After a weekend away, we got back to the grind on Tuesday morning.
I kicked off my morning with a sluggish long run (I miss my running buddy!) where I saw this guy who looked like he was having more fun than me...
The featured stories at story time were...
...fitting after my morning sightings, huh??
I fought a migraine most of the day so after a few errands, I called it a day and came home for a mellow rest of the day. I went to bed at 9 and slept til after 7...guess I needed some rest. Maybe I can make that happen again tonight? Fingers crossed...
Today's excitement has surrounded produce day. Check out this giant heirloom tomato...
...and this cute cucumber mama with her baby...
...speaking of cute babies, check out mine...
...they wanted to know if they looked like Frankensteins...haha. Love them!!!!
And before I let you go, I'll leave you with this little gem...
...always take advantage of opportunities to dance in the rain. You won't regret it! It's never a bad idea to loosen up a bit. We had so much fun!
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