We've had quite a bit of excitement here in Plankerville this week, not always of the desired kind but I can honestly say there was never a dull moment. Here's to hoping the weekend has a bit more of the good stuff and a minimal amount of the uninvited variety.
Exhibit A: This snake that Mickey in our driveway...
...thankfully it's not poisonous and is actually quite rare. It's a yearling coachwhip. Cool, huh? Glad Mickey found it first and let me know not to worry if I encountered it.
Exhibit B: Tuesday morning story times features...
...we had a water theme. Story Time is always the excitement of the good variety...even when the music isn't working and we have to sing Cee Lo Blue's rendition of the itsy bitsy spider A Capella...haha!
Exhibit C: Clearance Spider Man Masks...
...the boys have no clue I went back and bought these for them for Christmas. Can't wait to surprise them!
Exhibit D: Lunchtime with Dad...
....this was the happy part of our day on Wednesday before everything went south fast. We love getting to see Daddy most days for lunch.
Exhibit E: Mason's big accident...
...somebody got pushed off the big bed while roughhousing and it didn't end well. This is the kind of excitement I could do without in my life. Thankfully his fracture on his clavicle is a closed one and should heal up just fine with time. We actually found out from the orthopedic doc that we don't have to use the sling any more, we just have to take it easy for the next 5 weeks. We'll be having lots of inside, quiet play, something that will likely be a struggle for us when our favorite activities include bike riding, jumping on the trampoline, roughhousing, and going to the playground. Prayers are appreciated!
Exhibit F: Wednesday Night Story Time...
...it was pretty exciting to be able to be in and out of urgent care in enough time to make it to see my story time friends. Shout-out to MedStat for getting us in and out in an hour. They rock! That's got to be a record. Mason stayed home and cuddled with Daddy while Colton and I rocked story time with some fun stories.
Exhibit G: Exciting recipe finds...
...I had success with two new recipes yesterday. The first was a delicious Fried Egg and Sweet Potato Noodles with Bacon & Vegetable Hash that even got a thumbs up from my meat-loving husband. He was skeptical of the eggs with his dinner but devoured it with rave reviews.
My second recipe success was with a new kale chip recipe. I love Rhythm Kale chips but don't love the price and was thrilled with the result of this copycat recipe. I subbed almond butter for the sunflower butter, soy sauce for the coconut aminos, and just used regular balsamic since that's what I had on hand. I think we'll be trying the sauce on some chicken in the near future. It's SOOOO good. It's amazing that something with no cheese in it can actually taste cheesy. So cool!
FYI...mine took about 9 hours to dehydrate in my oven rather than the suggested 3-5 hours. Maybe I need to spread them out even more next time. They're worth the wait though. YUM!
Time for some quality time with my kiddos hopefully consisting of good excitement if any at all. I'd actually be A OK with a totally mellow day. Have a lovely day and weekend filled with excitement of the good variety.
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