It's a holiday week, thanks to labor Day, so we got off to a late start with school this week. Our theme of the week is Capital B.
B is for BEARS...
B is for BLOCKS...
...we used tongs to work on fine motor skills and sorted according to color and shape to work on math skills...
...Colton is continuing to love sorting :-) This activity was an even bigger hit than I anticipated.
B is for BALLOONS which are great for hand-eye coordination...
...we also played a game where I wrote the numbers 1-10 on them and had them search for them in numerical order. That one was a big hit!
B is for BAKING and who doesn't like to do that? :-)...
B is for BOATS which we got to play with at "recess"...
...another perk of homeschooling is being able to take swimming breaks when the mood strikes. It's like a giant water table, great for all of those measuring and pouring activities too. :-)
B is for BUILDING with BLOCKS...
...notice how once again Colton sorted the dinos next to the blocks. I'm currently fascinated with this tendency in him. Miss Rabe has the best blocks by the way, according to the boys. I'm pretty sure other people's stuff is usually more exciting than our stuff. Lately the boys have been building lots of animal houses with their blocks. It's cute!
B is for BOOKS, which we had fun reading at the library and at home...
B is also for BUGS....
...we had fun making Grandparent's Day cards with our thumbprints.
B is also for BEADS....
...which we used to make butterflies....
...stringing them onto pipe cleaners is great for fine motor skill development. This is Mason's finished product. Colton is only halfway done since he's taking his time with sorting colors as he goes...
...we liked how the butterfly had a B in it as well. Fun stuff!
My proud mommy moment of the week had nothing to do with the letter B but is part of our morning routine around here these days. Every day we do the calendar, check the weather, say the pledge and do a devotion. Mason's got the pledge down and is quite proud of himself as am I. Check him out...
God BLESS America!
In case you're wondering, we get lots of our ideas from a book we purchased called the Preschool Journey by Angela Thayer. It is a great springboard for ideas, very simple and practical, as well as very easy to follow. Obviously, its very easy to supplement and personalize. So far, I highly recommend it.
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