How can it possibly be the end of August already?? Time sure is flying by and we're getting closer to fall each day...I can smell the pumpkin-scented everything already and I can't wait. In the meantime, we're keeping busy and trying to beat the heat as much as possible. Here's a little random glimpse into some of the fun we've been up to.
We've had some fun story times. Our most recent book choices included... themes never disappoint with little ones. Who doesn't love to make animal noises?
The accordion player who makes his appearance after each Wednesday story time continues to be a hit, even for Batman...
We've had some fun learning all the new tricks we can including the almost-perfected skid mark...
...we've even spotted a turkey on one of our outings...
...somebody better warn that bird that Thanksgiving is coming :-)...haha.
We're working on breaking into the world of homeschooling and have played around with some resources like these wipe-off flashcards...
They're super cool by the way! It's such a learning process for me since I'm not trained in early childhood education but I'm having fun with it.
This article from Parents magazine was such a help in encouraging me with my approach...
...this one about teaching curiosity is good too.
No matter how busy we get, we always make time for some goofing off...
...and there's always time to make some cookies...
...there's never enough sprinkles in this house. By the way, we're still on the look-out for a delicious grain-free sugar cookie. The frosting on these cookies was their saving grace. :-)
We always make time for coffee/chocolate milk runs too...
...our lives aren't complete without them.
We also squeezed in a trip to visit Oma near Ocala and found these two gems...
...totally unrelated of course, but both quite impressive. That, my friends, is the largest grasshopper I've ever seen. And that adorable kid is my husband who looks nothing like our children does he...haha. I'm pretty sure there's no denying they're flesh and blood.
These two gems were pretty fun to have along in downtown Stuart when we met up with a friend for lunch too...
...these were some of the best gifts ever. The LOVE these costumes and are so darn cute in them. It's so much fun to listen to their imaginations work as they play in them. Truth be told, their imagination and creativity never ceases to amaze me. Case in point...
...who knew a broken pump tube could be so entertaining. It's silly I know, but they figured that little trick out all by themselves and I was mighty impressed with them. Another confirmation for me that play-based learning is the way to go.
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