Hello to you Plankerville. I just finished doing my Wednesday produce thing and finally found myself some time to tackle an update on the 'ol blog while the boys are still napping...for now :-)...
We had some fun in these parts over the weekend. Around here, we like to get the weekend started on Friday morning. Why wait til Friday night??
We kicked off our morning with some fun in the kitchen making cookies to bring to a BBQ on Satruday night. The boys were quite the little helpers...
...and very resourceful too if you ask me. Lesson learned -- dumbbells double as stools when needed...
...we're definitely getting our money's worth out of that purchase. Haha.
I got some very appreciated alone time later that day when the boys went to go play with some friends who were generous enough to offer their services for most of the day on our anniversary. I owe them BIG time!!
Friday night, Mickey and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary with a little date night...
...it's always nice to get away from it all and spend some time with just the two of us. Doesn't happen often these days...we need to work on that. Mickey got me quite the gift...
...custom-made with black diamonds he brought back from Afghanistan. I'm a lucky girl!! Can't believe it's been 5 years already. We've had our ups and downs, good times and bad, but he's still my favorite person in the world and I can't imagine my life without him. Not a day goes by that I'm not grateful I married him.
It was back to the family grind on Saturday morning. We kicked it off with a little family run with the stroller to get some morning-after-date-night bagels before heading off to Lowes for somebuilding...
...our superheroes were quite the little builders, as usual...I'm not biased or anything. :-)
And there's nothing like a shirt with a cape to make you feel incredible...
...I'm pretty sure he actually thinks he has superpowers when he wears that shirt. It's darn cute!
With our projects complete, we popped by Starbucks to indulge our caffeine and chocolate milk cravings before heading off to our next stop of the day-- MAXx's barber shop...
...we finally found local haircut success. So long bowlcuts from anyone but Oma. Joanna rocks!
We spent a mellow afternoon at home doing the nap/workout/relax thing. Nothing like a good PiYo session to help make you feel good after a few too many celebratory glasses of wine last night.
Before we knew it, it was time to head off to a bbq with some of Mickey's work friends. It was a fun family night. After a late Friday night, we had no trouble calling it a night Saturday night and getting some good sleep.
I woke up ready to run...not really, but I had plans to meet up with my running buddy and who am I to let her down? I was actually glad she talked me into it the day before and loved getting out there to log some miles, get some girl time in, and catch the supermoon before the rest of the day got underway...
After Saturday's jam-packed morning, Sunday begged for a more relaxed vibe for our family time. We obliged with a lazy morning and eventually a bike ride down to the green market for some local honey. The boys were SO cute walking around just like this...
...totally unprompted brotherly love. Melt my heart!!
We made sure to find time to check for catfish and turtles...
...and got a refreshing morning pick-me-up too...
...the iced coffees at Stuart coffee company hit the spot ONLY on Sundays, when Blue Door isn't open in Downtown Stuart :-) They win out for us any other morning of the week when we're downtown.
I spent some more time with my spiralizer on Sunday evening...
...they did an excellent job with my candy cane beets which were DELICIOUS in this recipe you MUST TRY!! Beets, goat cheese, pecans...what's not to love??
Monday morning was back to business as usual with my little superheroes. We hit up our last Monday play group of the summer. This time the sand table was a hit...
...they made some cute crafts with the bug theme too...
...the rest of the day was spent in typical Monday fashion with some errands and chores. Nothing to exciting to report there.
Tuesday got off to a lovely start with an early morning run before tackling the rest of the day. Story time was a hit with these books...
...it was a counting theme :-) We followed it up with some time inside enjoying some beverages and practicing our letters with coffee stirrers...
...take note parents of little ones. It's easy coffee shop entertainment.
We spent the rest of our morning at the library and had a mellow rest of the day. It was just what the doctor ordered. Any now suddenly it's suddenly the middle of the week and time to gear up for Wednesday night story time. We've got a farm theme tonight. Here's to hoping the weather cooperates and we can have a fun night with our friends. We're in the home stretch of the week...woohoo!
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