After a less than ideal start to our day, of which I'll spare you the details, I did manage to inhale a delicious breakfast...
3 eggs over easy, some broccolini that was to die for, and half an avocado...YUM! Good thing I love eggs...I've been eating a LOT of them. I'm on day 15 of my Whole30 experiment and still going strong....feeling good too by the way. Stayed strong and drank my tea while others had wine at book club last night. I have to admit wine is the one thing I still crave. Don't think I'll ever give it up's just too good.
I'm on a Tony Mitton and Ant Parker kick. The boys and I have been loving their educational books that are full of rhymes.
Speaking of books, we picked our book for book club and I'm super excited about it...
Let me know if you're local and want to join our group. We could use a few more opinions :-)
We endured another sweaty walk home before trading the stroller for the car to squeeze in a quick trip to Publix as well as a quick trip to the gym. There was no way I was passing up my gym therapy this morning. It works wonders for my frame of mind.
We came home with renewed vigor, ready for lunch...
(I cleared out the leftovers...onions, zucchini, sweet potato with coconut butter and a chicken breast)
...followed by nap time/me time. You better believe there are no chores getting tackled today. I'll get to it tomorrow. This day can't take any more.
Gonna catch up on my Bible study and hopefully finish refreshed with an improved state of mind. Got some fun plans with friends later too which couldn't have come at a more opportune time...God is good!!!
We love the Tony Mitton books too. So cute!