God Isn't Glorified Through Our Suffering
Many Christians live under the false idea that God wants them to suffer. This creates a nonstop victim mentality.
Suffering is inevitable, but God is not glorified through our suffering. He is glorified when we have a good attitude during our suffering - and He wants us to be victorious!
So why would we choose to remain bitter, angry and wounded or depressed?
There's one surefire way to overcome suffering with the right attitude: Set your mind, and keep it set, on things above, not on things of the earth. You must be armed with right thinking, or you will give up during hard times.
Set your mind and be fully aware that moving from being a victim to being a victor will not be a quick process. It will take time, but your experience will make you stronger and enable you to help others who are facing similar battles.
Get excited about your future and realize that going through something with God means that you will come out on the other side with a victory that cannot be taken away from you.
Prayer Starter: God, I need Your help to overcome a victim mentality. I choose to set my mind on things above so that I can have the right attitude. With Your thoughts and truth inside me, I know I can overcome.
...talk about perfect timing after the last couple of days I've had. Since I'm doing my other Bible study, I haven't really been checking the app that much but today I decided to see what it had to say. I'd say it's impossible not to believe in God when things like that happen. Bring on my better attitude!!!!
An invite to spend the evening with some of our favorite people couldn't have come at a more perfect time either. We had a fantastic time last night! I got to feast on delicious Sea Bass and the boys got to go on their first golf cart ride (we're ready to check out Oma's now :-) )...
...we also enjoyed a much-needed relaxing evening amongst friends that might as well be family. I returned home feeling incredibly blessed and sporting a much better attitude. God is good!
This morning I could have slept til noon. It's the first time in a while that the boys woke me up. Yesterday did me in! Thank goodness for coffee and a yummy breakfast to jumpstart my day...
To kick off day 16 of my Whole30 experiment, I enjoyed fried eggs, sauteed kale, and a small avocado with a healthy dose of hot sauce.
We finally got ourselves out the door in time to make it to story time at the library at 10:30. I gotta say it was a little crazy there today. The monday class is more our speed but the boys had a good time regardless of what I thought.
Their favorite part about the library...
...the steps!!! I'm sure they'll be running down 'em in no time. They carefully carried the snails they made at story time all the way down the steps...
...only one made it all the way home. The other one lost his head on the way home. Woops!! Monsters Inc, the movie, also made it home with us. The boys have been asking to watch it after they learned about their monsters last weekend at Lowe's Build and Grow. We're SO ready for movie night tonight.
We had time for a quick stop by the gym after we were done at the library. I spent longer than usual on the elliptical cause I got caught up in the book I'm reading...
It's totally cheesy and mindless but entertaining me in my current frazzled state and I'm ok with that. Gotta get it done so I can get into my book club book...
After about 45 minutes on the elliptical, I hopped off for a quick legs workout...I really wasn't feeling it with the weights today so I just did 50 reps of each of the following exercises and called it a day...
- squats
- deadlifts
- side-to-side lunges
- lunges
- hip thrusters on stability ball
- reverse planks
We came home ready to dig into lunch...
Mixed greens topped with sprouts, tomato, half an avocado, some salad shrimp, olives and a mustard vinaigrette. I was still hungry once I finished it so I ate a small peach AND a small mango too and my hunger was finally satisfied. I'm an eating machine these days.
The boys are finally napping and it's time for me to tackle some to-do list items and hopefully still have time to do a little reading before the boys wake up.
Tonight we're trying out a little bedtime stories story time. I'm anxious to see how it goes...thankfully I feel like I've gotten pretty good at bumping and rolling in the story time department.
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