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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fitness Thoughts and Park Fun

It's a lovely thing when there's no place we HAVE to be on a weekday morning.  Mornings (when the boys sleep til at least 7) are my favorite time of day with the boys and I love when we all don't have to be rushed out the door to be somewhere.  Yesterday was one of those days.  I had some quiet time to myself before the boys woke up and I was able to catch up on some e-mails and do a little reading.  Check out this quote I found in Oxygen magazine... fitting for me right now.  Love when that happens!

I also read a post from Clare yesterday at Peak313 that was spot on with combining fitness and her blog!!  Check it out!  The following picture is what caught my attention to read the article, since things like that are so atypical of her...

Crazy coming from a fitness blog, right??  Once I read her post, it all tied together.  She's an inspiration!!

I also had time to make some fresh salsa...

Would you believe I've never done that before??  I'm bummed that I totally forgot to eat it yesterday too.  Guess what I'll be having with my egg whites this morning?!  YUM!

When the boys joined me in my wakeful state, we embraced the opportunity to just hang out a bit together in the morning before making a quick outing to the gym for a little lower-body burner.  I learned a couple of tricks to "up the ante" so to speak with a couple of exercises that kept things very interesting and challenging.

After the gym, we headed home to chat with Mickey before playing outside on such a gorgeous day.

We keep working on our basketball skills.  I tried to raise the hoop to challenge the boys a little bit more but they weren't interested in the increased difficulty of having to throw the ball up into the basket...slam dunking is more their style.  They got their way and the goal is at fingertip-level again.  

After naptime, we headed out to join a great group of friends for a birthday party at the park.  

Thanks, Michelle, for the photo!

You know me...I seized the opportunity for a run and we loaded up the stroller for our journey to the park.  I love that the park is within running/walking distance.  The boys loved the cake at the party...

Whipped icing seems to be the determining factor in whether or no the boys will eat cake.  Vanilla seems to be a winner too--they take after their dad.  I NEVER choose boring old vanilla, haha!  They devoured those cupcakes!  

The boys entertained me with songs and rhymes for the entire run home.  I have the best running buddies in the world! 

After two hard leg workouts and 3 runs so far this week, today is a rest day for the legs...time to hit up the upper body again.  I'll might do the elliptical for a bit today just to stretch out my legs a bit and get some reading done.  Reading on the elliptical seems to be the only way I can read more than 5 pages without falling alseep...haha.

We've got a couple of errands on the agenda for being to go buy shampoo since I realized yesterday that when I thought I was on the ball, stocking up ahead of time with my replacement shampoo and conditioner, I grabbed two conditioners rather than one of much for being "on the ball."  Back to the store I go...

It's a produce day today...can't wait for our fresh goodies and a big green juice!  I missed my green goodness yesterday since we depleted our stash.  My coffee is gone and I hear the boys stirring...perfect timing.  I'm off to go snuggle my sillies.

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