We finally got a "relaxing" weekend here in Plankerville and I have to say I'm feeling quite refreshed as I type this on Sunday night.
Yesterday morning kicked off with a fantastic run with my running buddy who is moving to Texas this week. I'm so sad that I'll be losing her but I'm looking forward to our virtual running dates and can't wait to hear what her future has in store for her.
With my workout out of the way, it was time to feed the boys love meter a little with a trip to Lowes for one of our favorite Saturday morning activities...
...they made some pretty cute alien robot puppets.
We ran some errands, had some downtime at the house, and tackled some chores with the rest of day and then got to spend our evening out on the town having a blast with some great friends...
...nights like this one don't happen nearly often enough...
...and Jen, it was a great idea to split up the guys and gals...
It was so much fun to catch up, eat some yummy food, drink some yummy drinks...
...and spend time with great friends...
...I'll spare you the dance floor photos...haha....but I'll let you know it was a fun time.
We had a lazy start to our day today and spent the entire day around the house which was completely fine with me. Our entertainment included some sidewalk painting...
...bike rides, pool time, a movie, a great Piyo workout, some delicious BBQ ribs, and quality time with my kiddos and husband...pretty much perfection if you ask me. Now I'm feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the week. Bring it on!
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