As I sit here and type this, it's raining buckets outside. I think my yard may soon resemble a lakeI feel bad for the guy who does our yard work...aka my husband. Poor guy! Gonna be a mess to clean up. At least everything will be green...and muddy...haha.
Thanks to the Hurricane Bertha, which thankfully isn't really much of a threat, we had a bit of a "cool" front for the last 36 hours or so and you better believe we took advantage of it.
After church yesterday, we hit up the waterpark for some fun in the sun...
...thanks to the overcast skies, it was relatively uncrowded there which was completely fine with us...
...we had a great time and left just before they cleared the place for lightening...perfect timing! It was lunch time anyways.
After naptime, the storm had passed and it was cool enough to brave a little run with the boys...
...I had been missing our Sunday afternoon shake-out runs and enjoyed the return of them, if only for a week until the cooler weather returns. We made sure to hit up Walgreens along the way for some coupon action with the Haribo gummy worms...only 49 cents a bag--SCORE!
Along the way, we also saw the cutest momma duck with her babies no doubt enjoying the cooler temps as well...
We finished off our weekend with some quality time with Dad once he was home from drill. The boys always love trying on his gear on drill weekends...
...they're so proud of their army dad. Can't blame em.
This morning, we headed off to our Monday morning play group. The highlights for the boys were the fire engine puzzle...
...and the stories. They were the oldest ones there today and also the only ones who seemed interested in the books today... never have to ask them twice if they want to read some books.
After the playgroup, the rain still hadn't hit yet, so we took advantage of the miler temps and headed to the park to burn off some energy...
...mission accomplished! Check out their new "cheese" face...
...ha! They are such goofs!!
Since we were at the beach playground, we made sure to check out the beach for a bit too...
...never a bad decision to stare at God's beauty for a while.
We made it out of there and home before the rain hit. I managed to get in some PiYo...
...I'm officially on month 2 now and it kicked off with Sculpt which is NO joke! I love it and keep coming back for more. It's incredibly challenging yet incredibly addictive and energizing. You've got to try it if you haven't already.
Afterwards, I enjoyed lunch with the men in my life and now the boys are napping. Time to tackle some laundry when all I really feel like doing is curling up on the couch with a book and some tea while I listen to the rain. Maybe I'll have time for both...wish me luck :-)
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