Our week has been the most "routine" week of summer so far. We kicked off our Monday with a little Piyo workout for me (which I'm LOOOOOVING by the way)...
...(maybe one day I'll look like that haah) and playtime for the boys at home before loading up for a trip to the water park...
...clearly the weather didn't cooperate for long. Oh well, that's the beauty of the season pass. We didn't really lose out by only being there for 45 minutes. 45 minutes is better than 0 minutes, right??
I thought the field trip that was there was hysterical in their orange shirts...
...looked like inmate day at the water park which was especially funny to me since the jail is right next door. Too funny! I don't get out much :-)
Once the sirens went off, we headed to the library for some books and playtime. I think it's so funny when the boys choose to play with the trains at the library when they have trains to play with at home. There are a ton of things they DON'T have at home there but they choose to play with the familiar. Interesting...
We spent the rest of our day around home, doing the nap/chore thing and finished up our day with a yummy dinner of zucchini noodles and meatballs...
...even Mickey devoured his bowl of healthiness. Yum!
We called it an early night which was fine by me.
Tuesday morning kicked off a little lazily. My hip has been bothering me so I skipped my usual Tuesday early-morning run to try to nurse it back to health instead. I did finally get my bootie in gear with another round of Piyo, Lower Define this time. Then, we loaded up the stroller and headed to story time. It was a HOT walk there. Today's features were...
...we had a great crowd and a fun time.
We spent the rest of the morning playing outside with some friends we invited over for a play date. We got our fun in before the rain hit and I spent a rainy naptime enjoying the quiet. The day flew by in the most lovely way.
Today kicked off the way most days do lately around here...with me pressing snooze and postponing my workout. Especially with my sore hip and my husband not working out with me, it's easy to just get to it later. I sure do love getting it out of the way though and need to get back to that. In the mean time, I'll savor my coffee and early morning quiet time and doing things like watching my boys play...
Eventually, I did get us out of the house for a little fresh air and exercise. I made it a mile before my hip told me to stop. I'll try again in a couple of days but for now, looks like it's walking for me. Trying not to get too bummed out about my lack of speed these days.
Look how big the boys are getting in the stroller...
...good thing they still like going for a ride and watching for cool stuff, like this turkey we saw this morning...
...I made it big so you could see it :-)
After our run/walk, the boys were ready for some exercise of their own. Check out their new trick...
...they are so cool, right??!!
We cooled off inside with some snacks and AC while I got in a quick PiYo workout, Upper Define today. Love that one!
We've spent the rest of the day doing the produce thing. We got cherries today...YUM!! The excitement of all the seasonal produce never gets old.
The stormy weather that rolled in is now making it easy to tackle some dinner prep and laundry. Maybe I'll have time to put my feet up and indulge in a little reading too. Fingers crossed the weather cooperates for story time tonight. If not, you'll find me curled up on the couch with my boys for some post-dinner snuggles and mindless TV. :-) Hope your week is off to a great start too.
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