I left you yesterday with the boys refusing to nap. Here's what happened as soon as we got into the stroller...
...like I said on Instagram, this is what not tired looks like. Haha! I'm guilty of the same thing. It happens almost every time I decide to sit down to watch a movie with my husband after we put the boys to bed. We press play and not even 10 minutes later, I'm asleep. Must be hereditary to not recognize tiredness in ourselves. Sorry boys!!
We changed up our plans and had a quiet night at home, reading these fantastic books (the boys don't even realize they're learning while they read them) ...
...watching tv while we ate dinner (woops...at least it was the educational "Super Why" show which was surprisingly cute by the way...), we shared some of this delicious chocolate...
...and followed it up with an early bedtime. Not bad, huh?
I finally got to finish my book too while drinking some delicious chamomile tea, so you'll get no complaints from me here. Oh, and by the way, I highly recommend it...
I got a good night's sleep and woke up ready to rock and roll on this GORGEOUS day. I hope you've been enjoying it as much as we have.
I kicked my morning off with a little quiet time, studying God's word before seizing the rest of the day. I've got to make myself do that more often. It really sets a positive tone for the day. Thanks to my friend, Katy, for pointing out this blog to me...
...I'm loving the new Titus study. Looks like these studies would be fun to do with a group of women. There's lots to discuss/ponder. Good stuff!
I read this one this morning too...
...which was good today, but has been hit or miss in my opinion lately, thus the excitement with the new source #shereadstruth.
Next up on the docket was my workout. The boys decided to help me with the tunes...
...they thought it was funny to randomly turn the volume up and down while I was working out. I have to admit it was pretty funny. T25 Core Cardio is in the books. I sure do love how I can knock out those killer workouts in 25 minutes in the comfort of my own home. I can't believe I ever thought I'd miss the gym. We're all much happier this way.
With my workout out of the way, I showered, mixed up my Shakeology and loaded the boys in the stroller for a walk in the gorgeous weather to story time. Gotta love a grab and go breakfast!
Story time was SOOO much fun today. With the gorgeous weather, the packed house, and some new faces, we had a fabulous time...
Apparently, I need to bring truck books more often. The kiddos had some serious focus this morning...
...it MADE my day!! Thanks, Krissy, for the photos.
After story time, we headed off to the park...
...can you believe that swing has a sign that says to use it with one kid at a time??? It's got three seats and it was WAY more fun with all of them full. So cute!!
We headed home for a picnic lunch by the pool...
Check out my view...
...my silly boys crack me up, pun intended. Love them!! I promised them an adventure after their naps...hope they think Target or a trip to drop off the library books is an adventure. Haha. I'm sure I can come up with something that makes them happy...especially if it involves a lollipop. Happy Tuesday!!!
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