We came back from our trip to Chicago to jump right into a busy week here back at home. The boys attended VBS while I tackled a mountain of a to-do list after being away for over two weeks. The boys took a while to warm up to the fun each day, but ended up having a great time, such a great time in fact that they want to attend another VBS later in the summer. Woohoo!! They've continued their trend of not being very interested in coloring...
...but the stickers, spray paint, and gluing got rave reviews. I'm not surprised! They had nothing but great things to say about the music and activities, especially the flashing lights with the music :-). The bounce houses were a huge hit with them as well. I was impressed with how much they told me about their Bible stories and how much Jesus loves them NO MATTER WHAT"...which they reminded me of every time they got into trouble at home this week. Smart boys!! We'll be back again next year for sure. Thanks First United Methodist Church for having us.
Some of the fun I was up to this week included the return of early morning runs with my friend where we encountered this manatee by the dock...
...we also saw two dolphin that morning. So cool!
After my phenomenal FlyWheel class in Chicago, I got the spinning bug again and decided to try out a class at LA Fitness this morning. It let me down :(. Don't get me wrong, I still got in a great workout and worked up a fantastic sweat, but the bright lights and mediocre instructor didn't hold a candle to the stadium cycling at FlyWheel. Oh to live in a big city...or at least have the big city perks :-)
It was a great reminder to me of why I love my Beachbody workouts SOOOOOO much. No travel, no forgetting a towel, no rushing to get someone on time, no annoying instructors, etc. I truly love working out at home. TurboFire has been a fun, challenging change of pace so far for me by the way.
I also tried out BrowArc for some eyebrow threading. It's not painless but they sure are good and I highly recommend them. Now if only I would have thought to go BEFORE the wedding. Nothing like having your make-up done by someone else to remind you to tackle that task :-) Typical me!
And...I also ordered some new tires to replace the threadbare ones on my jogging stroller. That's REALLY exciting for me. I wish I had an odometer on that thing to know just how many miles I've put on it.
Other than that, I tackled mounds of laundry, restocked the cabinets and fridge, did my usual story times, caught up on sleep, had the AC repaired, etc. Fun, huh??!! At least I feel on top of things again which makes me a much happier wife and mom.
Now I am really looking forward to the weekend and all our company that will be arriving. Yay for summer and LOTS of family time. Can't wait to see the boys play with their cousins and catch up with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law. Happy Friday!!
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