Check out what I work up to this morning...
....this little stinker made his first early morning getaway from his room to join me in my bed. Talk about keeping me on my toes, Colton! :-)
He must have still been sleepy because this is how he spent most of my workout time...
...savasana for all you yogis :-)
I on the other hand kicked my own bootie with T25 Speed 2.0 and Upper Focus. Love Love Love that Upper Focus workout, especially this move...
...core, chest, triceps, etc. Awesome!! I really do love lifting weights. I'm not gonna lie...that speed 2.0 workout get a little less love from me. I know it's making me stronger though and for that I'm grateful. Good thing each workout is only 25 minutes.
His brother decided to hijack my mat and curl himself up in it...
...telling me it was a blanket. Silly Mason! Good thing I spent the majority of my workout on my toes and didn't need the mat too much because they sure had fun with them.
With that out of the way, we refueled, cleaned up, and hit the road for music class which was fun as always.
The rest of our day has been spent on chores...most of which are finally done. Time to spend some time with my boys and hopefully call it an early night since naps aren't happening I said, they're keeping me on my toes today :-)
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