When your brother AND sister come to visit on Memorial Day weekend, you know you're going to have a good weekend...at least if you're part of my family :-) but I didn't realize just how much fun we were going to have. I had a fantastic time with them and I'm pretty bummed we're back to the usual routine today. My family rocks!!
We kicked off the long weekend with some Thursday Night $1 bowling...
We will definitely be taking advantage of that deal lots more this summer. It was SO much fun with the boys!! There was no shortage of entertainment from the boys. From giving tips to us when it was our turn...
to telling us they were drying their hair at the hand dryer...
...to even holding our hands to "help" us bowl...
...it was family fun at its finest :-)
The rest of our weekend found us at the beach and pool A LOT!! Friday was pretty hot so we didn't last long...
...but the flat water made it much less intimidating for the boys...
...too bad flat water usually means zero breeze. Oh well!
Friday night, we picked up Aaron from the airport and had some time to kill while waiting for his delayed flight. They have all kinds of fun things to do there. We watched planes take off and land, checked out the restaurants, and took a little rest at this lovely spot...
...I'm sure Aaron was thrilled with his welcome crew...
Saturday the beach was flat again, which made it perfect for walking out to the sandbar...
...that's Aaron and Miriam out there :-)
The boys thought it was great for digging holes and hanging under the umbrella...
and Miriam even gave in and tried out my big sunhat...
...gorgeous, right??? She's single, folks! :-)
I had a blast watching my brother play with my boys...
...he's not single, folks :-) And I can't wait for him and his fiance to have kids!!!
The boys got even braver in the pool this weekend too...
Of course, wherever Aaron goes, music follows and the boys had fun checking out his tunes with his headphones...
After naptime, we biked around a bit and got some appetizers downtown before heading back for some more time in the pool, this time under the stars...
It was a fantastic day!!
Sunday morning kicked off with a lovely little run with everyone which found us nice and sweaty and ready for the pool again...
...no complaints here. We took a midday pool break to get margarita supplies and scour the clearance at Old Navy and spent the rest of the afternoon in the pool. Hanging out in the pool, laughing nonstop while the boys napped was the highlight of my weekend. My siblings and my husband are incredibly fun!
We finished up our Sunday with a trip downtown to try to catch the sunset...
...we struck out in the sunset department but definitely scored in the fun department.
We saw some boats...
...spent time together...
...saw a train...
...walked by the water...
....and finally found an open restaurant and a delicious meal at Carsons. We left full and happy...
Monday morning, we left my three boys sleeping and headed out to catch the sunrise...
...it was DEFINITELY worth waking up for. What a great way to start the day...
...after coffee and breakfast, we wrapped up our visit with one last visit to the beach...
...silly Mason selfie included :-)...
...then it was time to say goodbye and start our countdown til we see them all for Abigail's wedding next month. Can't wait!!!!!
We filled the rest of our memorial day with more pool time and a trip downtown to the park...
...of course the boys decided they wanted to walk home...
...which really means a run home to them. Fun times! Mason made it most of the way and Colton made it the whole way...AGAIN...
...SUCCESS!!! That boy sure loves to run! Next time he needs his running shoes :-)
It was truly the best weekend we've had in a long time and the PERFECT way to kick off summer. Why can't every weekend be a 3 day weekend??
It was back to the grind today for us, which was pretty fun if I do say so myself. Our day started with my favorite workout from T25--Upper Focus. Our first mission was story time which is always a joy for me. Our featured stories were...
...that Tedd Arnold sure is funny. You know what else it funny...
....Colton telling me he's a robot in the car :-) Silly boy!
After story time we restocked our library book stash...
....which we already devoured over lunch by the way :-)
We also restocked the cat food...
...I'm pretty sure Petco is their favorite store thanks to those little carts which they're really "excellent" at maneuvering. Of course it's fun to check out all the little critters there too. If teaching them to drive is half as fun as teaching them to steer those shopping carts, we're in for a wild ride.
They never cease to keep me entertained...
LOVE them! Hope your summer is off to a great start too.
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