Friday morning kicked off with an MRI and NO VOICE whatsoever. I got the results back today--the cyst is the same, if anything a little smaller, so no more follow-up MRIs are needed. Praise Jesus! I also got to deliver dinner to a new momma from my MOPS group. I always love seeing newborn babies and was bummed I couldn't hold the little cutie!
The rest of our day was spent with my oldest childhood friend and her three kiddos. I am so glad we've been friends for almost 30 years. She is truly a gift and it was SOOO good to catch up. It was a house full of kiddos and fun for almost 24 hours...
Leah was a sport and read them their bedtime stories...and gave up her room to them while risking slipping with me, the sick one. She's a trooper!!
Once they left, our next outing was our a fellow toddler's birthday party. The boys loved trying out her new slide and playing with her water table. I enjoyed sipping on a beer with some friends while we watched them play on a beautiful day. Birthday parties are the best!!
We returned home with some EXHAUSTED boys and I seized the moment during their naptime and tackled a killer tabata legs workout. My legs are still sore today from it...guess I should train my legs more often.
Sunday was spent in the lovely town of Vero with some friends who have become family to us. It was an incredible day filled with a trip to the most amazing bookstore I've ever visited...
This is just one of the many toys for the kids to play on in the store. They really enjoyed the train table and the wind-up toys too.
We got some great new books to add to our collection. They had tons I had never seen before. I LOVE children's books and it was hard not to buy them all.
We will definitely making another trip to that great store soon.
We had a delicious lunch at Gloria Estefan's fun hotel. The boys liked this fountain out front.
We also hit up the local park...
Gotta love playgrounds practically on the beach since there was a fantastic breeze there as a result. We rounded out the day with a stop at the local sweet shop, Cravings, for some take-home goodies and grabbed an ice cream cone from Kilwins to enjoy right away. I enjoyed every bite of my salted caramel ice cream. The whole day was incredible--great fun with great family and friends.
Today was busy as well. The boys played with their friends at their play group while Leah and I treated ourselves to pedicures...
...and a trip to the beach...
I have never seen waves like we saw there today. There is some serious beach erosion as a result...
I managed to squeeze in a great workout and run while the boys napped and Leah got some more sun before it was time to take the boys to gymnastics. I must say I was much more impressed this week than last week. The boys made huge strides in just one week---the smaller group today was also a nice bonus. We capped off the day with a quick trip to target and are now finishing up some chores before we curl up on the couch with some wine to catch the season finale of the Bachelor. I can't wait to see how it turns out...
I'm happy to report that my voice is almost back and I think I'm ready to tackle story time tomorrow. I'm looking forward to sharing some of our new books with the group.
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