We found some hand-me-down race car driver and policeman jammies that the boys have been LOVING! I love smiling every time I look at them all dressed up in them. They are so proud.
Mason the Policeman
Colton the Race Car Driver
After our shopping adventure, we picked up the boys and headed home for lunch and naptimes. Lucky me, I got in a stroller-free run while the boys napped. Gotta love visitors who will man the napping boys. I felt like the wind---5.3 miles in 41 minutes...without really trying. No complaints here!
After naps, it was time for the boys' first gymnastics class thanks to a contest we won through Macaroni least one kid is free. The class was fun but at $50 a month per kid, I think we'll one month with be enough for us. After that we'll stick to the free playgrounds and maybe invest in a trampoline since that was the highlight of our visit...and we had to wait in line to use it.
We finished out our day watching "The Women Tell All" from the Bachelor. It's never my favorite episode but the twitter comments scrolling across the bottom were quite interesting. I can't wait for next week's final episode. I'm glad Leah will still be here to watch it with me. It's so much more fun to watch the craziness with company.
Today kicked off bright and early with story time. It was a little chilly this morning so the boys got to wear some jackets that I almost forgot we owned. They're almost too small already and this was the first time we got to wear them...I hate when I do that!!
Today's featured stories were...

You can't go wrong with animals and great artwork.
I actually think I've read both of them before but they're both great stories and my boys love hearing familiar stories so I figure the other kids wouldn't mind either.
We have lots of new babies in the group and it was fun to meet some of them for the first time this morning. It's always fun to see newborns and remember those early months. There's a couple more babies on the way too. How exciting! Don't worry, I won't be joining them any time soon...I got a head start with two at once so I'll be nice and let everyone else catch up.
Leah got to experience music class with the one and only Miss Rabe. She plays a good two year old and followed all the rules...
It's always a joy to have an extra set of hands to help with the boys.
The boys were thrilled to get to play the guitar with Miss Rabe today.
I was thrilled to discover I won the photo contest and scored a Starbucks gift card as my prize. YUM!
After music class, Leah let me have some alone time again today and played outside with the boys while I headed to the gym for a quick elliptical and weights workout at the gym. Now it's time to enjoy the rest of the day with nothing on the agenda. I see a bike ride in our future and maybe some sushi too.
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