Santa (a.k.a. Aunt Abigail) came early and brought an amazing gift to the boys...
I see rock stars in our future!! They are in HEAVEN! It's the perfect gift for our little music-lovers. Even the box was a hit for the little boogers.
You know you want to hear their first time stroking the keys...
They're gifted I tell ya!
Maybe next year they can lead the carols at Coffee Bar Blue Door's Annual Community Christmas party. I'm thinking we could make it a family event. I'll do my thing and read 'Twas The Night Before Christmas and we'll have Mickey dress up as Santa...That gives us a year to work on the beard and the belly. Haha! Other than some first time kinks and an overwhelming turnout, I'd say tonight's event was a success. Thanks to Miss Rabe for helping with the carols and the bubble machine for doing its thing. The candy canes were a nice perk too. I love our little town and was so happy to see how many people showed up for our little event.
In workout news, I feel like I've hit a major roadblock. I finished the 8 weeks of Best Body Fitness Boot Camp and LOVED the workouts but found myself even more frustrated with the state of my tummy post-bootcamp. It seemed to have gotten worse.... So I consulted Bethany Learn of Fit2B Studios. I am desperate to fix the sad state of my tummy. It seems like I still have some work to do with my diastasis recti and all the burpees and running I was doing were actually aggravating it and making it even worse. NOT GOOD AT ALL!
Her advice--a 2 month break from running and boot camp workouts, while substituting some ab rehab and healing exercises. She's got lots of tummy safe workouts on her site. The ellipcial is safe too and you all know how much I love that thing. I'm scared about the state of my running after a 2 month hiatus but feel like I've just got to give her advice a try...scary but if it means avoiding surgery in the future, I've got to give it a try. If I can get back to running after a pregnancy of NO running, surely I can survive 2 months...RIGHT?? I'm hoping I can learn to love yoga and can get my fix from the allowed weightlifting and other workouts. Who wants to be my new speed-walking buddy?
My predicament reminded me of this fitness rebellion I stumbled across the other day. It's time to "give my one, precious body the respect it deserves" which for me = time to heal and exercises to restore my core. Here goes...
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