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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Weekend Fun and an Elliptical/Upper Body Workout

We had such a fun afternoon and evening yesterday.  We walked around downtown and hit up the hot dog stand (for Daddy and Oma) and indulged in some frozen yogurt.  I got cake batter with berries and felt good about my healthier choice, but when my mother in law got full and couldn't finish her chocolate and peanut butter concoction, I didn't hesitate in helping her finish it off.  It was like dessert for my dessert.  Lucky me!

Thanks to a built-in babysitter, we also got to celebrate Coffee Bar Blue Door's one year anniversary.  It was so much fun to hang out with friends who have become like family to us.  We had some yummy champagne and wine too.  It was the perfect way to wrap up a wonderful Saturday.  If you live in the Stuart area and haven't checked it out yet, you are missing out on some yummy treats!

I tried out something completely out of character for me this morning, as I pretty much NEVER make baked goods from a box or can, but I kept reading rave reviews of bacon cinnamon rolls and decided to give it a try since we had company in town.  It got rave reviews.  I found the recipe here.  I served some scrambled eggs and spinach on the side to "healthify" things a bit.  I inhaled mine before remembering to take a picture.  It was YUMMY!

We enjoyed a great church service and came home to relax and let the boys play a bit before nap time, which served as my workout time today as well.  I love lazy Sundays.

Last week we decided that we'd dedicate Sundays to kicking our butts with cross training circuits, but I had to go to my back-up plan at the gym today since I'm pretty sure my mother-in-law wouldn't have wanted to witness our butt kicking session and I'll be honest, after yesterday's run, a lighter recovery workout sounded like a welcome relief.  Don't worry; I'll be tackling the "butt-kicking" workout with my husband tomorrow.

Today's workout involved a set of 15 lb dumbbells, the elliptical, and me.  I wanted it to focus on muscle recovery for my legs, a moderate upper body workout, and I wanted to get in some core work too.  It looked like this:

I left the gym feeling good for getting some movement in, but not depleted.  It was exactly what I was looking for.  SUCCESS!

While I was on the elliptical, I was multitasking and reading more of Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.  It's a real page turner.  I even continued reading it while I downed my lunch after I got home from the gym.  Talk about being anti-social.  Woops!

The boys woke up happy and hungry from their naps.  I whipped up some smoothies for them with banana, spinach, blueberry yogurt, and orange juice.  They enjoyed drinking out of their straws with daddy.  So cute!

I'm looking forward to our BBQ dinner tonight and more family time the rest of the day.  I'm SOOOOOOO glad we've still got another day left in this weekend.

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