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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Spice Up Your Walk

I've been doing a lot of running lately but today I needed to give my running legs a break from all of the pounding and decided to power walk instead. Since I'm used to the harder effort required by a run, I did something to spice up my walk a bit. After my 10 minute warm-up to get my muscles moving and loose, I started really hoofing it with some fun intervals. Every 3 minutes I added in 20 repetitions of a leg exercise. I did walking lunges, squats, plie squats (legs wide with toes pointed out like a ballerina), calf raises, curtsey squats and reverse lunges. Before I knew it, I had gotten in over 200 repetitions of leg exercises without having to dedicate a workout solely to toning my legs. The walking kept my legs feeling loose and kept me moving and more interested by my workout. Of course I couldn't stop there, though, so I took the stroller over the bridge and back as well. Not only did I get in my cardio today, but I got some serious resistance training in as well using high reps and my own body weight, something we all have available wherever we are. I came home feeling great. I challenge you to give it a try.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Music for Runs

Lately, I have been using some podcasts for my runs and they are really helping me to work on maintaining my pace for that day's run as well as keeping me energized during my run. The podcasts I have been using can be found at Many of them are free, which is a PLUS! They have music for several different paces and some intervals as well. They even have a mix for weight training. I have loved the Fitness magazine interval podcasts as well as many of the running ones. I downloaded fast ones for my short, quick runs and mellower ones for my long, steady jogs. Sometimes I even shuffle through them to create my own interval training. I think they're great! I do have to warn you that the music on these podcasts is very digital with strong beats so if you're like my husband and can't stand the "dance club music," these podcasts may not be for you. But if dance beats energize you and motivate you to get moving, I encourage you to try one out by downloading it to your Ipod or MP3 player for your next run to see if it benefits your workout as well. Happy running!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Crab Walk

A magazine article in Marie Claire of all places reminded of this great childhood activity that can be used as exercise for us grown-ups. Your kids may even want to join in the fun and won't realize they're getting a work-out. You could even race them. From a seated position, push up like you're doing a reverse push-up so your back is pointing to the ground and you abs are facing the sky. Starting with your right leg and left hand, followed by your left leg and right hand, walk backward reaching as far behind you as possible. Try to go for a minute or so if you've got the space to do it. You might really get the neighbors wondering what you're up to if you do it down the sidewalk :-) It's great for targeting your triceps, glutes, back, calves, shoulders, and overall posture. Have fun!

Plank Drop

Here's another variation on the plank which had my core and my arms screaming with sweet pain. This is a good, challenging exercise. Give it a try!

Start as if you were to do a push-up. Drop onto your right forearm then onto your left forearm. You will have lowered yourself onto both of your forearms. Keeping you abs tight, navel to spine, push yourself back up, one arm at a time, right arm and then left arm, into push-up position again. Repeat dropping onto your left forearm first. Try to complete it 5-10 times. This is great for your core, obliques, arms, chest, and shoulders.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Killer Workouts in 5 minutes

Yesterday was shoulders day for me. I had two very fussy babies, thanks to a different schedule than they are used to, so I was worried I may not be able to squeeze my workout it but when I found myself with 5 spare minutes, I took full advantage of them and got my shoulders on fire. Those 5 small minutes were hugely effective in working my shoulders and I'm feeling the sweet soreness of a good workout today so I know it worked. Here's my go-to method when time is limited.

Choose a light set of dumbbells. I used a pair of 8 pounders. Set your timer for 5 minutes and prepare to feel the burn. For 5 minutes, you are not going to stop doing shoulder exercises. The light weights really help to get your shoulders cut without bulking up and allow you to be able to complete the full 5 minutes.

I used the following exercises doing 1 set of 15 reps for each, not stopping in between sets. I started over and was able to get through the rotation almost 2 times.

Overhead extensions
Overhead extensions with twist
Upright row
Front raise
Lateral (side) raise
Arnold press
Rear delt raise
Rear delt row
Military press
Lateral raise with internal rotation
Double suitcase row

I paid very careful attention to my form and kept my navel pulled into my spine the entire time. My shoulders were on fire at the end of the 5 minutes. It was such a rush that when I found I had time to squeeze in 5 more minutes after a 3 minutes rest, I did the rotation one more time. It's not for newbies or the faint of heart. Good luck!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Getting Back to Running After BABIES

I LOVE to run and missed it so much while I was pregnant. I had always envisioned myself as that fit, pregnant momma but God had a different plan in mind when he surprised us with twins and thus a high risk pregnancy. My normally active lifestyle took quick turn towards a very sedentary lifestyle. I was able to walk a couple of miles a day early on in the pregnancy, but as things progressed, walking got more and more difficult as just trying to work my full-time job was work-out enough. My exercising came to a screeching halt at 30 1/2 weeks when I went into pre-term labor and was put on bedrest. It was definitely the right thing for me and the babies, since we were able to make it to 37 weeks. The boys were born at term and were VERY healthy- 7 lb 5 oz and 6 lb 15 oz. They didn't spend a minute in the NICU and I was breastfeeding them 40 minutes after they were delivered via c-section, an operation that took my phenomenal doctor only 22 minutes from incision to me being wheeled back into the recovery room. As you can guess, I was chomping at the bit to get back to exercising as soon as I was given the green light.

I had a follow-up visit with my dr. at 2 1/2 weeks postpartum and he cleared me for any physical activity. I was shocked at how quickly I recovered from the surgery and was surprised to be given the all clear so soon. Since I had read so much while I was pregnant about waiting 6 weeks after a c-section delivery before resuming any hard-core exercising, I decided to err on the side of caution and make myself wait the fully 6 weeks postpartum before I did any exercising besides walking and kegals. I gradually worked my way up from a half mile walk to about 4 miles in this time period and walked every day.

At 6 weeks postpartum, I began the Couch Potato to 5k running program since I figured my body was like that of a couch potato after close to a year of no exercise other than walking. The first days out were HARD! The first day out I hardly made it a block because of the discomfort of the newfound weight on the front of my body. I hadn't even considered how different it would be to run with size D breasts instead of my previous barely-A-sized breasts. Ouch! I went out to Target and bought Champion High Impact sports bras which are made to your bra size. They even clip in the back. I cannot express to you how much this helped. I also was somewhat disgusted by the jiggle of my waist with each step I took. I had never had any jiggle there before but after twins, I had significant jiggle and still do at 11 1/2 weeks postpartum. My other newfound discomfort was in my knees. I had never had any trouble with my joints but each step was excruciating. My joints must have really changed as a result of pregnancy. I have no medical explanation from a doctor, but I figure it was a combination of needing to buy new shoes, loose ligaments from the hormone relaxin that pregnant women produce, and a new shape in my hip region as a result of carrying two babies. I headed straight to Fleet Feet that weekend and bought new shoes which I think have helped tremendously. I also realized I would have to take things very slowly if I didn't want to end up injured. I was determined not to give up though.

I followed the Couch Potato to 5k running plan for the first 3 weeks. I ran/walked the prescribed 3 days a week. Even the warm-up walk was a bit painful for a couple of weeks but I just took things slowly and really followed the plan. I highly recommend this plan to anyone new to running or getting back to running after a significant hiatus. I would always come home and stretch thoroughly, take ibuprofen, and ice my knees, and drink TONS of water. Slowly but surely, running got more and more comfortable and at 9 weeks postpartum, I made it 2 miles with little discomfort. I guess my body just had to adjust to its new design.

I am now 11 1/2 weeks postpartum and am still only running 3 times a week but have worked my way up to 1 four mile run and 2 three mile runs each week. My muscle memory is starting to click in I think. I am no longer following the couch-potato to 5k plan but am working on just trying to build my running endurance again without really watching my time too much. I know I'm slow, but I'm out there and getting stronger. I actually am trying not to go any faster than 9 minute miles because I don't want to end up injured and I'd rather get the distance under my legs than work on speed at this point. I take things one day at a time and love each minute I get to be back out on the road. I appreciate this time so much more at this stage in my life than I ever have before. It's good for me physically, physcologically, and spiritually. It really gives me time to reflect on all of my blessings.

One blessing that often occurs to me is how amazing my body is. Trust me, I don't mean the shape of it. My belly still disgusts me and will be hidden by a one-piece swimsuit this summer. The amazing thing I am talking about is the fact that my body was able to grow and support the development of 2 BEAUTIFUL baby boys and now is able to feed 2 HEALTHY growing boys. I have not had to supplement my breast milk at all. I feel so blessed that I can give them the best nutrition available, not that I'm knocking people who have to feed them children formula, but I love that I am ABLE to feed them breast milk. I love the time it allows me to snuggle with both of them as well. It is the most peaceful time of my day and I get to do it 8 times a day. Breastfeeding is such a blessing.

The reason I bring up breastfeeding is that when I started to get back into running, I had several people warn me that it would hurt my milk supply or cause me to have plugged ducts, etc. I have not had any trouble at all with my supply and have been very active in my opinion. In addition to running 3 days a week, I take my boys for walks every day, usually for an hour or so, and I am also spinning 1-2 times a week and lifting weights 3 times a week. Keep in mind that everyone is different and what works for me may not work for you. I am by no means an expert in this area so I recommend talking to your doctor if you are unsure of whether it is safe for you or not to exercise while you are breastfeeding. Here are some things that I think have helped me to be successful at balancing it all so far.

1. I drink a TON of water. I have a 24 oz cup that I drink and drain at least 6 times a day. That's 144 ounces of water a day. 24 oz of those are downed right after I get back from my run.

2. I keep track of my calories at and make sure I don't let them fall below what is recommended for me. It is not a dieting tool for me like it was prior to getting pregnant. At this point, I'd rather be physically fit and breastfeeding my babies that worry about losing weight. I can worry more about my weight when they are weaned and not depending on me to feed them. I DO NOT DIET. I eat at least 6 times a day and make sure to include protein at every meal. I also eat plenty of carbohydrates, i.e. whole grains, fruits, and veggies. I do not restrict anything. I even eat sweets like ice cream and cupcakes.

3. Since I feed both of them at the same time, I stimulate both breasts every time I feed. I have read that you can pump one breast while feeding your single baby to get the same effect. The more you stimulate your breasts, the more milk you will produce, so if I notice my milk supply dropping, I will first of all drink even more water and pump after each feeding to increase my supply. (I haven't had to do this yet but it will be the plan if I run into problems.)

4. I still feed my boys every 2-3 hours or more often if they want it. We do not stick to a schedule. If they're hungry, they eat. Again, the more time they spend at the breast, the better the milk supply will be.

5. I run immediately following a feeding and use a VERY supportive sports bra. I also take the bra off immediately after I return home to avoid compressing my breasts for any longer than necessary. I am hoping this helps me avoid plugged ducts or mastitis.

6. I take things one day at a time. If I notice my supply dropping, I will address it IMMEDIATELY. I will continue to be proactive. I will not do anything to jeopardize my supply so if I notice problems, I will do whatever it takes to get things back on track, even if that means taking another break from running.

7. I keep in touch with other fit moms. My favorite spin teacher at the Y has a 7 month old and is still breastfeeding her daughter and maintaining a very fit lifestyle. In fact, she is training for a marathon right now. She gave me some of the tips you see above. If she can do it, so can I. :-) I'm competitive like that.

Some people look for excuses to get out of exercising. I'm the opposite. I look for ways to "do it all." I love the way I feel and know I am a better mother as a result of it. I hope I don't end up eating my words but I don't think that will be a problem as long as I continue to be proactive. Again, these are only my very biased personal opinions. I am by no means a lactation consultant or breastfeeding pro. I'm new to this world of parenting.

Happy running to all you breastfeeding moms. As always, I'd love to hear what works or doesn't work for you. Feel free to comment.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Power 90

My brother is in town this week and brought his Power 90 DVD with him. Today I checked it out to see what I thought of it and I also wanted to see how well the exercises would engage my core. I am certain I got a core workout along with the cardio (they call it sweat) workout. I feel like the muscle mind connection is finally starting to kick in between my mind and my core. I am doing a much better job on continuing to keep my navel pulled into my spine and my abs tight.

On Power 90, Tony, the guy who leads the workout, is kind of a dork, but I definitely got a good workout in and it was nice to change it up. Doing something different keeps your muscles guessing, which helps them to continue to get stronger, rather than getting stuck in a rut. I like the challenge of different exercises and recommend you check out Power 90 if you get a chance. It's a totally doable workout for any level.

Tomorrow's plan is a 3 mile run and strength training for my butt and legs. I'm looking forward to it.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Back and Chest Day

This week I plan to do some split workouts, which means I am going to just train specific body parts on each of my weight training days rather than doing a full body workout a couple of times a week. I plan to really exhaust the targeted body area on its assigned days since I am only hitting that area one time this week. I hope to keep my core engaged in every day's exercise, as I am still making sure I continue to work on re-strengthening my middle. I try to maintain a navel to spine position and the use of the stability ball helps to engage my core as well. My split schedule for the week is as follows:

Monday: Back and Chest
Tuesday: Core
Wednesday: Legs and Butt
Thursday: Shoulders
Friday: Biceps and Triceps

Today for my chest, I did 3 sets of 12 of each of the following exercises, using 15 lb dumbbells where applicable:

Chest press with dumbbells on stability ball
Chest flyes wiht dumbbells on stability ball

Incline push-ups against kitchen counter
Chest Fly using resistance band
Standing chest press with stability band

For my back, I did 3 sets of 12 of each of the following exercises:
Dumbbell Bent-Over Row
Bent over dumbbell row with rotation ( palms facing each other when extended and facing behind me when contracted)
One arm dumbbell rows
Resistance band row on stability ball
Resistance band row on on stability ball with wrist rotation

At the end, I also did some core work, including 3 sets of the traditional plank, held as long as possible, 2 sets of quadraped exercises, holding the position as long as possible to engage my core, (Thanks for the tip, Melissa!) and 2 sets of the plank on the stability ball (much more challenging than the traditional version. I could only hold it about 25-30 seconds.) It was a great routine. Looking forward to more core work tomorrow.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Today's Core Workout

Today is sort of a rest day for me, i.e. no running or spin class, but I still like to keep my body moving so I plan to walk the bridges with my brother who is in town visiting for a few days. I also decided to do this core workout as I am really focusing on trying to tighten them back up after my twin pregnancy. Here's the core workout I am doing today, taken from Elisabeth Hasselbeck's workout which was featured in Oxygen magazine. I did one set of each exercise in order without rest but rested for a minute between each circuit. I completed 3 circuits. I tried to really focus on keeping my navel pulled to my spine through each exercise. I'm really focusing on the mind-muscle connection. It was a killer core workout. I challenge you to try it out!

1. Single-legged bridge (targets glutes and abdominals) Do both legs! This one felt easiest to me. Maybe because it was the first exercise. I was able to do 15 reps with each leg.
2. Side Plank with Scissor (targets abdominals, obliques, leg adductors a.k.a. outer thighs) In a side plank position, support your weight on your forearm and rest your top foot on a step. Keep your body straight while slowly raising your bottom leg to cross it in front of your top leg. Hold, then lower to starting position. Be sure to repeat on the other side. This was the hardest for me. I was only able to get 8 reps on the first circuit and 6 reps on the last 2 circuits. I'm hoping I'll get stronger with this one in time.
3. Plank with Leg raise (targets abdominals, glutes) Work both sides evenly. You don't want to be lopsided. I love this one. It's a nice variation of the plank. I did 12 reps on each leg for all 3 circuits.
4. Reverse Plank with Leg Raise (targets abdominals, hip flexors) Be sure to alternate legs with each repetition. I did 10 reps with each leg for all 3 circuits. I'm hoping I get stronger with this one too.

I have my work cut out for me in terms of improving my core strength but I know this killer workout will help.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Fitness at the Library

I have always been a huge fan of public libraries, but this week I discovered a little hidden gem at the local library. This is an especially cool perk for me, because not only is it free, but it's within walking distance of my home, a huge plus with two infants at home who love going for walks in their stroller. Did you know that the library has a huge selection of work-out dvds available for check-out? I was pleasantly surprised at the variety that is available for free to the public. They have everything from yoga to aerobics, to dance workouts, to circuit training. If you're like me, you probably assumed they would be outdated or lame, but I was able to find some that gave me a decent workout, including the Flat Belly Diet workout, Bob Harper's Biggest Loser workout, a Crunch Bikini Body workout, and a yoga routine. This is a great way for people like me, who love group fitness, but can't always make it to the gym at the scheduled class time due to family obligations, work, etc. to be able to come close to feeling like we were able to attend one of our favorite classes. The especially great thing, in my opinion, about checking out these DVDs, is that you only get them for 2 weeks at a time, which is not enough time to get completely sick of the instructor and the routine. You can go get a different video every two weeks to keep your routines fresh while never spending a dime. This way, you've got a go-to resource in your home to make sure you don't have an excuse to skip your workout, since we all know getting out for a run or to the gym doesn't always happen as we planned with work and family life sometimes getting in the way. To make it even easier, and save some of your very precious time, you can go online to the library's website to search for and place holds on the items you wish to check out. When you get to the library, the items are waiting right at the checkout for you so there's no need to search for the dvd. I think this is a fabulous service and utilize it regularly. Check it out. I hope that like me, you'll be pleasantly surprised and excited to try out a new routine.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cutting to the Postnatal Core

My babies are already 10 weeks old and the belly that I ridiculously thought would disappear moments after giving birth to them is still hanging on for its dear life. It doesn't seem to understand that I'm slowly kicking it to the curb. I finally understand why so many women say getting their bodies back after pregnancy is SOOO hard. Firming my middle back up may be one of the hardest fitness challenges I have taken on, especially after almost a year of little exercise other than walking, and a VERY stretched out stomach due to a full term twin pregnancy. Since I hate crunches, and have both read and heard that they can make the stomach bulge even more after pregnancy, especially if the stomach muscles have split, I'm working hard on targeting my whole core, especially the transverse abdominal muscles. Since I really hate working my core, I'm having to find creative ways to tackle it by sneaking in core work with the exercises I enjoy more as I try to shape it back to some semblance of its former self while continuing to improve the fitness of the rest of my body as well. Here are 6 of the exercises I'm finding to be most sure to keep your navel pulled to the spine in ALL of these exercises to really keep things from pooching out more. Slowly and carefully is key!

1. The Plank. There are many variations of this exercise that thoroughly engages the core. I started out with just a basic plank, holding it as long as I could, which was usually about 30 seconds. I would try to complete this exercise about 5 times with short bouts of rest in between. I worked my way up to being able to hold the plank for a minute before changing it up to keep my core challenged. Some of the variations I have used involve doing the plank on one leg at a time, the side plank, and alternating arm punches directly out in front of me while holding the plank position. Alternate arm and leg raises are good too. The plank is also VERY challenging on a stability ball. I have noticed significant improvement in my ab strength from this exercise.

2.Plank Pose Twist. Start in plank pose position. Lifting your right leg and bending at the knee, twist slightly at the trunk and reach your knee towards your hip. Return to plank pose position and repeat with your other leg. Repeat this move on your left side. I tried to do 3 set of 12-15 repetitions. You can do this abdominal exercise by repeating all on one side and then switching or alternating sides each time. This actually works the obliques (muscles on the sides of your abs) as well.

3. Back Extensions. These work both the back and the front of your core. Some people call them the superman exercise. Lie on your stomach with your arms straight out in front of you palms facing down. Lift your upper body stretching your transverse abdominis muscle and your back muscles while lifting your lower body as high off the ground as possible at the same time. You want to have as little of your belly touch the floor as possible. This is a tricky one! Hold, then return to the ground. Do 10-15 repetitions. For added intensity, something I'm not very good at with this one yet, put one weight in both of your outstretched superman hands and lift the weight as you lift your upper body.

4. Woodchop exercise. This one really gets my abdominals burning. (I actually do it in a squat to engage my legs and my core even more. I like trying to make many of my moves multimuscle exercises, actually, so I can work as much of my body as possible at once, shortening the amount of time I have to spend working out.) Either in a squat or standing, hold a weight in both hands above your right shoulder. Rotate your torso and carefully swing the weight down to the middle of your left outer shin. Return to start. Really focus on engaging your core muscles. I try to repeat this exercise doing 3 sets of 12 on each side. You can do it without a weight if the weight is too difficult.

5. Pelvic tilt. This one works your back and legs as well. Try moving your legs closer to your butt, farther away, close together and apart to target different angles. You should be able to get your core and legs burning pretty quickly with these.

6. I have no idea what it's called but I saw another exercise on Dr. Oz where you get down on your hands and knees and extend your opposite arm and opposite leg, hold for 5 counts, return to start, then switch to the other side. Continue rotating until you've done 12-15 reps on each side. I can really feel this one working when I do it right after the plank exercise. It's a good one!

You can also google transverse abdominal exercises or core exercises to get all kinds of other great tips and exercises. Targeting your core from as many different angles as possible using a variety of exercises keeps your muscles guessing and your muscle tone improving. Also, just like any other muscle, rest is important too. You don't want to do all of theses exercises every day or you risk not only injuring yourself but impairing your progress. Take a day off of training your abs at least twice a week. If using weights, you should allow at least 48 hours in between sessions.

I'm by no means to my goal yet, but I know I am making progress and I credit these exercises with helping me. I'm also making sure I do cardio at least 5 days a week which is helping too. A clean diet is important as well but more on that later...If you've recovered from pregnancy and got your fit body back, I'd love to hear your secrets. Is there an exercise you found to be particularly helpful in tightening back up your middle? If so, please share. Us moms need all the help we can get.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Returning to Fitness After Pregnancy - Join me!

In case you hadn't heard, I took quite the hiatus from this blog after getting pregnant and eventually giving birth to gorgeous twin boys who have made me the happiest girl in the world. I thought marriage was bliss and have realized that it can get even better than that. I truly feel like I "have it all" now and after a somewhat rocky pregnancy to make it to term (37 weeks) with my babies, I feel like I can accomplish anything. I have always been very driven fitness-wise, but now have to go at things from a bit of a different angle; it's nothing I can't handle though. I LOVE working out, realize how good I feel when I can squeeze it in, and know I will be a better mother for it, so I'm figuring out ways to fit fitness into my new lifestyle. Variety is the spice of life, they say, so hopefully some of the new variety I put into my fitness routines will not only spice my body up as I get back into shape but will also help me to have fun, and be energetic along the way.

I'll keep you posted as I embark on this new journey in uncharted territory for me. I'll let you know what I find to be helpful, what seems to give me the best results, tricks I learn about parenting, healthy eating tips, balancing parenting with fitness, and any other randomly related thoughts which I think you might find to be useful. Whether you're bouncing back after pregnancy, have been a parent for years, or simply just want tips on living a fit lifestyle, I hope you'll join me as I recommit myself to a fit lifestyle.